Commit and Transform


Yep, it’s a CHALLENGE.

And you might think that it sounds difficult. You may believe you don’t even own enough stuff to have this many items to let go of. (You do.)

But it’s one that, if you decide to take it on, it will change your life.

And it will be one of those changes that will stick with you forever because you will not only learn how to declutter your home, you will build the habits over the course of 90 days that will enable you to maintain your decluttered home.

πŸ₯³οΈ Yes, maintain a decluttered and organized home for the rest of your life. 

Who is this

Challenge for?

This challenge is for you, if:

  • you want a home that is functional

  • you want a home that saves you time instead of stealing your time

  • you know what you should be doing, but you are in stuck mode

  • you are ready to align your mindset with your actions

  • you have been on the edge of coaching and action for a long time.

  • you maybe give yourself a little too much leeway

  • decluttering and organizing your house is a priority, yet you don’t prioritize it daily

Commit and Transform


Yep, it’s a CHALLENGE.

And you might think that it sounds difficult. You may believe you don’t even own enough stuff to have this many items to let go of. (You do.)

But it’s one that, if you decide to take it on, it will change your life.

And it will be one of those changes that will stick with you forever because you will not only learn how to declutter your home, you will build the habits over the course of 90 days that will enable you to maintain your decluttered home.

πŸ₯³οΈ Yes, maintain a decluttered and organized home for the rest of your life. 

Who is this

Challenge for?

This challenge is for you, if:

  • you want a home that is functional

  • you want a home that saves you time instead of stealing your time

  • you know what you should be doing, but you are in stuck mode

  • you are ready to align your mindset with your actions

  • you have been on the edge of coaching and action for a long time.

  • you maybe give yourself a little too much leeway

  • decluttering and organizing your house is a priority, yet you don’t prioritize it daily

90 days, divided into three 30-day phases β€” ONLY $90!

Every day of every phase includes foundational habits: Accountability, No Unnecessary Purchases, 5 Minutes of Intentional Breathwork, and time for Planning and Prep every single day!


Accountability happens in two ways - by paying the fee for this program and by posting into the group every day or responding to a daily email if you don’t have FB.


5 minutes a day. Can be one at once or broken up throughout the day.


Absolutely no unnecessary purchases during this 90 days. Imagine how much you can save from that alone!


Each day, spend 10-20 minutes planning your day tomorrow.

PHASE 1: the 20-20-20

The main goal of Phase One is to get your basic daily chores - dishes and laundry - done and make them habits.

20 Minutes Dedicated to Dishes

Go to bed with an empty sink every night.

20 Minutes Dedicated to Laundry

Get in the habit of doing laundry (and putting it away, ahem!) daily.

20 Items Out the Door -- Everyday

Decluttering for the WIN!

PHASE 2: the 30-30

The main goal of Phase 2 is to continue the habit of daily and never let laundry pile up to more than two loads. During Phase 2 you will move on to tackling other drop zones in your house consistently - every day!

Continue to do dishes and laundry every day!

30 Minute Quick Clean Daily

Learn and implement a quick clean to tackle all your drop zones -- AND MAINTAIN THEM!

30 Items Out the Door -- Everyday

Decluttering for the WIN!

PHASE 3: the 40-20

Phase Three is all about building maintenance and getting a head start on tackling paper clutter.

Continue to do dishes and laundry every day!

20 Minute Quick Clean Daily

This is all about maintenance at this point!

40 Sheets of Paper (or digital clutter) tackled-- Everyday

Decluttering for the WIN!



External accountability is more powerful to you than internal accountability. That's why accountability is an integral part of this challenge.

Every day for the next 90 days, you will need to post into the Facebook group and just say how your day went. Did you have a win? Did you not do it? Was it a bad day? Or are you going back to day one? You are accountable to post every day.

Now, if you want to respond to a personal email, you can opt to add daily check-ins and accountability when you purchase the challenge. We'll send you an email every day and ask you how your day was.

If you're not on Facebook, and you want to do this challenge, and you don't want to add on the email, then this is where that personal responsibility comes in. You need to find somebody to be accountable to β€” somebody who is going to hold you accountable, cheer you on, support you, and check in on you for 90 days. Note that we're not coaching you through this. You have to be radically responsible for your own actions.


when you commit to this challenge, you must make

no unnecessary purchases for 90 days.

I am not going to tell you what is a necessary purchase and what is not a necessary purchase. You are going to be guided by your own conscious conscience on this. You are going to identify for yourself what necessary purchase is and what is not. You can ask your family to join in on you with this, but this is about you and your actions.

This program costs a dollar a day, $90. But you should save way more money because you're not going to buy anything unnecessary. And you're going to have to every day be accountable to yourself and the group and go through what you've purchased. And if you have purchased something that you know is not necessary, you're back to day one. But nobody's going to be judging your purchases, saying this is or isn't necessary β€” this is all about you taking radical responsibility.


That's 5 minutes of breathing every day for 90 days. And this can be broken up into multiple sessions.

You can do one minute of breathing five times a day. You could do two and a half minutes in the morning, two and a half minutes in the evening. Whatever it is, you're committing to doing 5 minutes of whatever breathwork means to you. And when you get all the documentation, when you sign up for this, we have lots of different ideas, different types of breathing, but 5 minutes of intentional breathing every day.

Why? Because life is overwhelming. Clutter is overwhelming. And 5 minutes of intentional breath work can make a massive difference. Medically, emotionally, it's very powerful. So it's built into this challenge as something that you do every day until it becomes part of your everyday foundational habits.


Every night you are going to dedicate 20 minutes to look at your calendar for tomorrow, figure out your top priorities, and start prepping.

Sometimes, looking at your calendar is going to take the full 20 minutes. Other times you're going to glance at it. It's going to be good. Spend the rest of the 20 minutes actually prepping for tomorrow β€” pick out your clothing, make your lunch, whatever you need to, including making sure your kids have all of the stuff that they need. Whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for tomorrow so you can wake up and just hit go. We want to reduce the number of decisions that we're making all the time.

Now, if you just did that with no modifications or simplifications, your life would already be very different in 90 days! Excited? Hop on now!

Stop right now and observe what your brain is doing.

Is it already coming up with excuses about why you cannot complete this challenge? Is it saying things like:

  • 90 days is a long time.

  • This is bad timing.

  • I won’t be able to do this because in the past I have failed at these attempts.

  • I don’t have extra time to devote to anything else.

  • This challenge won’t work for me because my circumstances are different from others.

  • I have so much clutter there is no way I can get ahead of it in 90 days.

  • I hate cleaning, so why would I commit to this?

  • I’m so stressed, and this will just add to my stress level.

  • Even if I clean every day, other people will just mess it up. What’s the point?

  • I don’t even own enough stuff to do this challenge (I bet you do!).

It’s amazing how our brains step in and try and stop us from accomplishing what we know we need to do - what we know will move the needle.

The first step of this challenge is happening right now. You can choose to do exactly what you have done in the past, and let all these excuses become your reality. OR you can start to battle your thoughts. You can crack open a little window of opportunity to allow something different to happen. You can take action right now simply by shutting down those thoughts that are not getting you anywhere.

What will it be? Make a choice, take this challenge moving forward, or stop here. YOU HAVE ALL THE POWER.

90 Days is a Long Time. But, is it?

The next ninety days are going to pass whether you are embarking on this challenge or not. 

In reality, clutter is the ultimate time stealer. If you are spending just ten minutes a day searching for something, you are already devoting almost 61 hours a year to trying to find items in your home. Clutter also makes it more difficult and time-consuming to maintain a tidy home. When there is clutter it is harder to dust, vacuum, and put items away.

That being said, would you still excuse yourself or will you take this challenge?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this Challenge about?

The Clutter Boss Challenge is a 90-day challenge that is designed to be a no-excuses challenge. There are tasks to do every single day. They're not difficult. They're not even super time-consuming. But the idea is that you are going to do these tasks every day to get on top of your house, your dishes, your laundry, and your clutter. After 90 days, you will have developed habits that are necessary to maintain all of this moving forward. The whole idea is that you will commit to doing this for the next 90 days.

You can start whenever it is convenient for you!

If you have been sitting on the edge of knowing what to do and doing it sometimes but not consistently, this is for you! This challenge will get you from the point of sitting on that edge to actually building the habits and doing this consistently every single day.

When is the best time to start?

If this is something that resonates with you, it really makes no sense to wait to start. Why wait to start? There's never a perfect time to start a challenge like this. There's never a better time to start building habits.

When can I have access to the Challenge?

As soon as you sign up, you will receive an email confirmation with challenge details and can start the challenge immediately. If you are already a member of one of our programs you will find the challenge details added to your membership site.

Please make sure to add [email protected] to your email's safe list so you don't miss anything.

What if I miss a day?

If you commit to doing this and you miss any single element of the challenge, you must restart from day 1 of your phase.

That's not a bad thing though. That's actually the best opportunity to look at what didn't work and figure out how to change that moving forward. Because if you modify the program just to say you completed it, did you really succeed? This challenge is set to push yourself to achieve your full potential. By modifying your goals, you may be selling yourself short and not reaching what you're truly capable of. In addition, by modifying your goals, you may lose sight of what you originally set out to achieve and struggle to stay motivated. As they say, you don't accomplish anything great by changing the rules in your favor just to check the box.

What if it's difficult to sustain?

That's exactly what this challenge is about. You don't get to build your decluttering muscle nor change your current mindset and habits by doing the program for just a few days or a few weeks.

You may have heard that it takes 21 days to make a behavior a habit, but that's a myth. It actually depends on the frequency, the effort you put into planning, preparing, and pursuing the new habit, and the distance from where you are now to where you want to be.

This challenge will help you get create mindset shifts, new habits, and skills that will stick with you long after you've completed the program. Changes that will significantly impact not just your space, but your life.

What if I'm not ready yet? Can I take this some other time?

One of our biggest problems in life is we love to wait for the perfect time. The truth is, we'll never be ready. And the longer we wait to make a change, the harder it can be to start.

Procrastination and hesitation can often hold us back from making the changes we want to see in our lives, and we can easily fall into a cycle of inaction and complacency. After all, that's why clutter exists. It's the end result of procrastination.

Sure, we can't change the past, and we don't know what the future will bring. But we do have control over our present situation. We can make a difference in the here and now by taking action towards the clutter-free life we all deserve.

Of course, change is not always easy, and there may be many obstacles and challenges along the way. But by starting now, we're giving ourselves the best chance to create the life we want and to make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us.

What if I can't do it? Can I get a refund?

Our refund policy clearly states that due to the intellectual property content and nature of this program β€” the challenge's details and the access to our community β€” we do not offer refunds (since we cannot take back the knowledge imparted).

But know that you can start anytime, whatever pace works for you. You do you, Clutter Boss! We'll be here to support you every step of the way.

How long do I have access to this challenge?

You have lifetime access to all the resources for this challenge. And if you encounter any issues, you can easily reach us by sending us an email at [email protected].

Make sure you do not put this challenge off just because you have lifetime access to it. It's about time you push yourself out of your comfort zone into the space you love! You got this!

What happens if I am going to be away?

If you go on a vacation, basically, you press pause on this 90-day challenge with the caveat that you will resume the challenge within 15 hours upon arriving home. You'll have 15 hours to get back into the challenge, get back on top of the laundry, get back on top of the dishes, and tackle a drop zone. This ensures that you don't drag out the vacation for days.

How much time will the challenge require?

Basically, we're looking at no more than an hour a day. Most days should even be a little bit less. You can break that up into multiple sessions.

If one of your top goals is to declutter, organize and keep a tidy home - but you're not dedicating time to doing that every day, the cold hard truth is that you're not going to accomplish that goal.

If you have a list of top goals and you look at your schedule, and there's no time in your schedule to actually meet those goals, they're not goals. They're dreams. That's why this challenge is designed to push you over that edge, to get you to the point where you are actually prioritizing time for what you say is your goal. This challenge will force you to find time in your schedule to do this.

The time is there. It's how you prioritize your time β€” saying no to things that are not in alignment with your goals. That's what you'll learn through this process, and it's gonna be worth it.

Does this challenge guarantee results?

Results may vary from one person to another. There are 90 days to this challenge and it's broken into three 30-day phases. It is possible that you will get to the end of the phase and still have more clutter in your house or still feel like you haven't quite developed the habit yet. And then you'll just start that phase again. So it could be a longer challenge for you.

That's not a bad thing either. This challenge is all about figuring out how to build your habits. Just to stick to this, be true to yourself and give yourself the gift of waking up every day, committing to something, and making it happen so it becomes a habit. And if it doesn't happen, learn to like yourself better and figure out how you can make decluttering and organization a habit.

Just do it consistently, every single day. And have the mindset that if you fail, that is feedback. You're going to pop right back in, start again and keep doing this until it works! In this challenge, feedback is so valuable.

Copyright 2023 | Jes Marcy | All Rights Reserved | Refund Policy | Terms of Service

+1 (518) 543-7177